


It's important that both files, FRST or FRST64, and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work. Please download the attached fixlist.txt file and save it to the Desktop or location where you ran FRST from. The following fix should remove those issues as well as check and verify system file integrity Waiting for your respond, and thank you for your services I really wish to know if there is any problem with any file, so I can fix, in the goal to let people trust this app. The compiler I used is the integrated one with the installation of AutoHotkey called Ahk2Exe, plus an UPX compression method just for main.exe. Other executable are unknown code sources for me, but they are fine as I see, I worked with them for a while and I never encountered a problem with them, the rest are just bunch of known files, no harm in them I think. Source code of Launcher.exe it is in here: I added a description to each file used by this application, it is found at this link: *///Enter password section, support command line if 0>0 stringreplace, Password, 1, ~, ~ Else Inpu Tbox, Password, program startup, ' n ' n Please enter the startup password: Password:=gethash (Password) ifequal, a_iscompiled, 1, Goto, iscompiled //encryption Section SPLITPA Th, A_ahkpath, dir setworkingdir,%dir% fileselectfile, file, 1,%dir%, ' n Please select the script that needs to be encrypted, *.ahk *.I wish to submit an own application made, it is based on AutoHotkey scripting language, and meant to be working on Windows systems. The directory must be accompanied by AutoHotkey.exe when it is used and packaged together when it is released. EXE" to the program name published by the target script. Change the generated "program encryption startup. Note: The 2nd step must be completed before you can proceed to step 3rd, because the binary data files required for the 3rd step compilation must be generated at 2nd step.ģ, if the automatic compilation fails, or is not satisfied with the results of automatic compilation (such as the need to select an icon, select Bin file, select Mpress compression), you can manually run Ahk2exe will "program encryption start. Ahk" Drag to the AutoHotkey.exe program icon to run once: Select the script you want to encrypt execution, and then set any password (space also count), then automatically try to compile this script (using the default option), and then test run. Ahk" (or other file name).Ģ, the "program encryption start. *-"program encryption Start" v2.6 by Feiyue use: 1, save this script as "program encryption start. I wrote a simple AHK program encryption startup script, the idea is to hide the source code in the resource file.
